Last minute holiday shopping?

Julie Braeckman Services Tags: , , , ,

Hey hey! Last minute holiday shopping? Need something easy and totally original? Are you shopping for that special someone who already has everything, or wants nothing for the holidays except for maybe peace and love? You should definitely check out the gift of music and get them a gift certificate for a four hour recording session for just… continue reading »

Calvin Okulicz recording piano and guitar today!

Julie Braeckman Services, Uncategorized Tags: , , , , ,

Calvin Okulicz, a senior from Bordentown High School, came into record an EP collection of vocals, piano, and guitar today. Especially look for this guy in the future on YouTube and SoundCloud.

Get Fans! Get Noticed! DTS now affiliated with musicxray 21st century A&R

Julie Braeckman Services Tags: , ,

Get deals Briefly stated Music Xray matches your songs to industry opportunities at no cost. Then, we give you direct access to the decision makers. Then, we GUARANTEE they listen and respond. When you get deals, you keep all the money and Music Xray never touches your rights. Plus, Music Xray provides advanced song monitoring and analytics. Learn… continue reading »

Save Your Old Records on New Media

Julie Braeckman Services Tags: , , ,

When we were kids my cousins and I used to sit on my grandmother’s back porch in the summer and listen to old 78 records on her Lawson hand crank phonograph. My grandmother purchased her record player in 1935 as a teenager for $15 with money saved from picking blackberries on her family’s farm. I don’t know if the… continue reading »